Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Tourism Object of Kawah Tengkurep

Kawah Tengkurep is the name of a tomb complex of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I, a king of Palembang in the 18th centrury. This building called “Tengkurep” because its roof was made in the shape of a face-down-bowl.

The previous location of the tombs of kings who ruled in Palembang split from each other, but since the Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Jayo Wikramo ruled, the tombs were moved into one location called Kawah Tengkurep Cemetery or Lemahbang Cemetery. Some of the royal family members buried here: Sultan Ahmad Najamuddin, Sultan Bahauddin and his wife, Sultan Diyauddin, and children of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I.

Tomb of Sultan of Palembang Darussalam

The Sultanate of palembang darussalam established ,with it’s characteristics from differed  kingdom which had been established before . The founder of this sultanate was jamaluddin who known as sultan ratu abdurahman kholifatul mukminin sayidul iman and in the end of his life titled by sunan cinde walang . The   history of his outhority and the following sultans will be described comprehensively in the kingdom period

Tomb of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Jayo Wikramo
Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Jayo Wikramo Bin Sultan Muhammad Mansyur Jayo Ing Lago ( Reigned From 1136-1171 H or 1158-1776 M ),Made Benteng Kuto Kecik ( current location Monpera and Museum  of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II ) and the  agung Mosque of palembang, grave of Sri Paduka In  Kawah  Tekurep 
                                                                       Tomb of Sultan Muhammad                                   
Sultan Muhammad   bin susuhunan ahmad najamuddin Adi  Kesumo (Reigned From 1190-1218 H or 1776-1803 M ) ,established Keraton Kuto Anyar / Benteng Kuto Besak which is currently borrowed by kesdam II Sriwijaya as well as several other agencies and the tomb of Sri Paduka in Palembang Kawah Tekurep.

``~ Sri Paduka Susuhunan Ratu Mahmud Baddarudin ( SMB II ) Died in Ternate on Friday the 14th of safar 1269 at 3:00 ( 26 November 1856 ) in the age of 87 years  ,7 months,13 days and 7 hours ,buried in ternate ( North Maliku ).(  the diferents  with wine   the day and the night in  Ternate go ahead of palembang 1 hours 58 minute ,and  destined of Sri Paduka  Susuhunan Ratu Mahmud Badaruddin died  Negeri Palembang , the death of the morning at 04:00

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